Kamp Kiwanis is moving to Mountain View County! Following the 2022 season, Kamp Kiwanis will be required to move from their current location near Bragg Creek to a new location (NE1/4 10-31-5-W5M) just south of Bergen, Alberta. This relocation is due to the Province requiring the original Kamp Kiwanis site for the SR1 flood mitigation project. Kamp Kiwanis is proposing to build their new facility at this location in beautiful Mountain View County.
Kamp Kiwanis is an overnight summer camp for underprivileged or disadvantaged children, and offers an outdoor school, managing overnight and day trip programs in the spring and fall. Kamp Kiwanis also offers a rental program for community groups that do not have the space to run their programs. The new location in Mountain View County will continue the longstanding Kamp Kiwanis legacy. The new facilities and site will build upon the lessons learned over the past 70+ years of operation and provide space for Kamp Kiwanis to grow and accommodate a diverse range of interests and abilities in the long term. The new site will be designed with opportunities for fun, learning, growth, and community involvement at the forefront.
Township Planning + Design and Kamp Kiwanis are hosting an Open House at the Bergen Community Hall on April 27, 2023 from 5-8 PM. We invite and welcome community members and neighbours to come by and meet the project team and to learn more about the project! All are welcome and light refreshments will be provided. In the meantime, to learn more, please feel free to visit the dedicated project website at www.kampkengage.com.