Bergen Area Structure Plan (ASP) Review

The County of Mountain View Council is proposing that this review be done by way of a motion to deal with a proposed amendment to the Bergen Area Structure Plan rather than a full review of the ASP.

In February of 2020 a request to amend the ASP was submitted by twenty-four (24) landowners that were directly affected by sections of the ASP. This request was to remove sections 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 (and policies) which prohibit the creation of a country residential subdivision and developments within 300 and 500m of the potential aggregate extraction area.

This area is defined in map Figure 7 (page 45) Aggregate Resource Extraction Map.  The area is contained between TWP Road 324 and 314 north and south and Range Road 51 and 52 east and west.

If you have any questions or concerns about the current content of the ASP or this proposed amendment, please review the Bergen ASP and forward any comments or concerns to those listed below:

Council is dealing with this request for amendment by way of a motion to remove the policies and map that restricts subdivision in proximity to potential aggregate resources as defined in map 7. (Page 45 of the ASP). If this motion is passed in first reading a public hearing process will begin.

Please respond before March 10, 2022.